Bigger Rooms Need New Solutions
As the pandemic first began to wane and people returned to the office, many medium and small spaces were outfitted with videoconferencing capabilities. As more and more people split their time between remote and in-person work, however, the need for true meeting equity in larger spaces has been growing.
The challenge: Solutions that work for small to medium spaces are often inadequate for larger rooms. In executive boardrooms and similar spaces — where the length of the room often exceeds 15 feet — many cameras can’t capture clear, distinct images of those who are furthest away from the lens. If someone gets up to move about the room — perhaps called upon to join a presentation — they may be viewed in a less-than-flattering manner depending on camera placement.
There’s a need for an automated, easy-to-use cameras that can clearly capture meeting participants — even those at maximum distance from a camera — in larger rooms where a firm’s most impactful decisions are likely being made.