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Crestron Commercial Webinars

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Techinar: verdiep je in de technologie achter onze nieuwste toevoeging aan de DM NVX-productgroep (Dutch)

Van kantoren over klaslokalen tot huizen, hotellounges en e-sports ruimtes, overal vind je DM NVX® AV-over-IP technologie. In deze techinar verkennen we de nieuwste toevoeging aan onze DM NVX-productgroep. De nieuwe oplossing bouwt verder op ons DM NVX-succes en biedt waardevolle toevoegingen die helpen om content naadloos te versturen aan zoveel mensen, plaatsen en eindpunten als nodig.

Presenters: Bart Packbiers - Sales Engineer, Europe, Crestron
Steven Schoeters - Director Technical Sales, Europe, Crestron
Jurgen Croes - Manager, Marketing Communications, Europe, Crestron
Rita Himid - Marketing Manager, Europe, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Techinar: Análisis técnico en profundidad de la última incorporación a nuestra familia de productos DM NVX (Spanish)

Desde oficinas y aulas hasta hogares, salones de hotel y estadios de esports, todo es posible con la tecnología DM NVX® AV-over-IP. Acompáñenos a este webinario técnico donde exploraremos la última incorporación a la línea de productos DM NVX. La nueva solución se basa nuestro exitoso DM NVX, con valiosas adiciones para ayudar a entregar su contenido de forma fluida a tantas personas, lugares y puntos de conexión como necesite.

Presenters: Ignacio Ganan - Sales Engineer, Europe, Crestron
Oscar García Lopez - Regional Sales Manager, Europe, Crestron
Jurgen Croes - Manager, Marketing Communications, Europe, Crestron
Rita Himid - Marketing Manager, Europe, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Webinar Technique: Plongez dans la dernière nouveauté de notre famille de produits DM NVX (French)

Des bureaux aux salles de classe, en passant par les maisons, les salons d'hôtel et les stades d'esport, tout est possible grâce à la technologie DM NVX® AV-over-IP. Rejoignez-nous pour ce webinar technique afin d'explorer le dernier ajout à notre famille de produits DM NVX. La nouvelle solution s'appuie sur le succès de la famille de produits DM NVX avec des ajouts précieux pour aider à diffuser votre contenu de manière transparente à autant de personnes, d'endroits et de points finaux que vous le souhaitez.

Presenters: Kevin Marchelidon - Sales Engineer, Europe, Crestron
Jurgen Croes - Manager, Marketing Communications, Europe, Crestron
Florent Benard - Regional Sales Manager, Residential, Europe, Crestron
Rita Himid - Marketing Manager, Europe, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Channel - DM NVX: Unlocking Growth and Profitability - A Dealer's Guide to Selling, Marketing, and Promoting DM NVX

Crestron DM NVX is a game-changer, offering unparalleled AV-over-IP solutions that are transforming the way we experience entertainment, collaboration, and control. This webinar is designed to equip our valued dealers with the knowledge and strategies to effectively sell, market, and promote DM NVX, driving growth and profitability.

Presenters: Sarah Beggs - Director, Channel Marketing, Crestron
Mike Charbit - Regional Director, Commercial, Northeast, South, South East Sales, Crestron
Cyndi Lee - Dealer Marketing Manager, Crestron
Bryan Conforti - Senior Sales Engineer, Sales Strategy & Communication, Crestron

Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Senior Marketing Associate, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Techinar: Technical Deep Dive über die neueste Ergänzung unserer DM NVX Produktfamilie (German)

Von Büros und Klassenzimmern bis hin zu Wohnräumen, Hotel-Lounges und Esports Arenen - alles ist möglich mit der DM NVX® AV-over-IP-Technologie. Nehmen Sie an diesem Techinar teil und erfahren Sie mehr über die letzte Ergänzung unserer DM NVX-Produktfamilie. Die neue Lösung baut auf unserem DM NVX-Erfolg auf und bietet wertvolle Ergänzungen, um Ihre Inhalte nahtlos an so viele Personen, Orte und Endpunkte zu übertragen, wie Sie es wollen.

Presenters: Tobias Suedhoff - Sales Engineer, Europe, Crestron
Oliver Geffert - Technical Sales Manage, Europe, Crestron
Jurgen Croes - Manager, Marketing Communications, Europe, Crestron
Klaus Kiefer - Senior Regional Sales Manager, West, Sales, Europe, Crestron
Andreas Müller - Business Development Manager Ost, Sales, Europe, Crestron
Rita Himid - Marketing Manager, Europe, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Techinar: Tech Deep Dive on the Latest Addition to Our DM NVX Product Family (English)

From offices and classrooms to homes, hotel lounges, and esports arenas, it’s all done with DM NVX® AV-over-IP technology. Join us for this techinar as we explore the latest addition to our DM NVX product family. The new solution builds on our DM NVX success with valuable additions to help seamlessly deliver your content to as many people, places, and endpoints the way you need.

Presenters: Steven Vacher - Technical Sales Manager, Europe, Crestron
Craig Chester - UC Solution Architect, Europe, Crestron
Steven Schoeters - Director Technical Sales, Europe, Crestron
Jurgen Croes - Manager, Marketing Communications, Europe, Crestron
Rita Himid - Marketing Manager, Europe, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Techinar: Approfondimento tecnico sull'ultima aggiunta alla nostra famiglia di prodotti DM NVX (Italian)

Dagli uffici e aule scolastiche alle case, dalle sale d’albergo alle arene di eSport, tutto è possibile con la tecnologia DM NVX® AV-over-IP. Unisciti a noi in questo “techinar” per esplorare l'ultima novità della nostra famiglia di prodotti DM NVX. La nuova soluzione si basa sul successo del nostro DM NVX con preziose aggiunte che consentono di distribuire senza problemi i contenuti a tutte le persone, i luoghi e gli endpoint di cui hai bisogno.

Presenters: Rosario Califano - Sales Engineer, Europe, Crestron
Nicola Corvasce - Sales Engineer, Residential, Europe, Crestron
Jurgen Croes - Manager, Marketing Communications, Europe, Crestron
Rita Himid - Marketing Manager, Europe, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Techinar: Tech Deep Dive on the Latest Addition to Our DM NVX Product Family

From offices and classrooms to homes, hotel lounges, and esports arenas, it’s all done with DM NVX® AV-over-IP technology. Join us for this techinar as we explore the latest addition to our DM NVX product family. The new solution builds on our DM NVX success with valuable additions to help seamlessly deliver your content to as many people, places, and endpoints the way you need.

Presenters: Andrew Ludke - Senior Director, Product Management, Hardware Solutions, Product Management, Crestron
Delix Alex - Director, Product Management, AV Solutions, Product Management, Crestron
Joel Mulpeter - Director, Product Marketing, Crestron
Jonathan Garcia - Lead Technical Solutions Director, Canada Marketing, Crestron
Josh Carlson - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Product Marketing, Crestron

Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Senior Marketing Associate, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Commercial - Managing DM NVX Technology at Scale

Join us for a webinar on DM NVX Director® virtual switching appliance, our solution for deploying, controlling, and monitoring DM NVX® AV-over-IP technology at scale. Its intuitive UI makes it faster and easier to scale your deployment of video, audio, and USB over the network.

There will be a live demo as well as an opportunity to learn how to simplify and streamline your AV-over-IP systems, so you can:

  • Deploy – Easily deploy on scale from a single interface for all devices
  • Control – One aggregator to control all your DM NVX technology
  • Monitor – Real-time status of every network interface and every end point

Presenters: Joel Mulpeter - Director, Product Marketing, Crestron
Jonathan Garcia - Lead Technical Solutions Director, Canada Marketing, Crestron
Josh Carlson - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Product Marketing, Crestron
Delix Alex - Director, Product Management, AV Solutions, Product Management, Crestron

Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Senior Marketing Associate, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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Secure Government AV Technology. It’s Done with Crestron DM NVX.

Join us for a live government-focused session to learn how to bring audio, video, USB, and control into any situation where signal routing and distribution is involved. We are celebrating the success of DM NVX® AV-over-IP technology with one million and counting units in the field thanks to you, our customers. Our DM NVX platform offers reliable, flexible solutions for military facilities, command and control rooms, courtrooms, state and local government buildings, or any use case which requires versatile and secure AV technology, while meeting some of the most stringent security standards.

Presenters: Melissa Hamilton - Vice President, Government, Government Sales, Crestron
John Hulen - Director of Channel Marketing, Education, Crestron
Zachary Shearer - Technical Director, Department of Defense, Government, Crestron
Anthony Rush - Government Account Manager, Government Sales, Crestron
Monica Reagor - Manager, Information Security Compliance, Engineering/Architecture & Design, Crestron

Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Senior Marketing Associate, Crestron

Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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