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Last Updated:  15 October 2024

1.  Overview, Data Collection, and Legal Basis

1.1   Overview

1.1.1   This Privacy Statement of Crestron Electronics, Inc., along with its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Crestron”) supplements Crestron's General Privacy Policy.  Please make sure you have also read the General Privacy Policy located at

1.1.2   In particular, this Privacy Statement elaborates on Crestron's practices regarding the processing of end‐users’ personal data transmitted via the Internet from certain Crestron products and services.

1.2   Certain Crestron Products Transmit End‐User Data

End-users’ personal data may be transmitted to Crestron, a Cloud Computing Provider (as defined below), or other third parties via the Internet, through the use of certain Crestron products, including: (I) Crestron Mobile Apps preloaded on devices distributed by or on behalf of Crestron or loaded onto end‐user mobile devices, (ii) Crestron Home and Crestron Pyng Monitored Residential Systems, (iii) Cloudware products, such as Crestron Fusion and XiO Cloud, and (iv) hardware Devices, such as Crestron 3‐Series and 4-Series processors and TSW‐x60 and TSW-x70 Touch Screens.  The type of information that may be collected and/or transmitted by these Crestron products and which may include end-user personal data is detailed below.

1.3   Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

1.3.1   Personal data will be processed in accordance with the legal grounds set forth in Crestron's General Privacy Policy.

1.3.2   Personal data referenced in this Privacy Statement may be processed for purposes of Crestron's performance of an agreement or obligation, or for the exercise of its legitimate interests.  When you  download, purchase, and/or register Crestron Mobile Apps, Monitored Residential Systems, Crestron Cloudware, or Crestron Devices, you consent to the transfer of your personal data as described in this Privacy Statement, which may be updated by Crestron from time to time, with the latest version available at:

1.3.3   When you download a Crestron Mobile App, you also consent to the Terms of Use for Crestron Mobile Apps, which may be updated by Crestron from time to time, with the latest version available at:‐mobile‐apps‐tou .

1.3.4   When you register for a Crestron Cloudware product, you also consent to the terms of the Crestron Cloudware License Agreement and Addendum, which may be updated by Crestron from time to time, with the latest version available at: .

1.3.5   When you download, install, or otherwise use operational software and firmware on Crestron products, you also consent to the Software End-User License Agreement, which may be updated by Crestron from time to time, with the latest version available at:

1.4   Crestron Authorized Integrators May Collect Additional Data

1.4.1   Crestron controlled systems may be programmed by third party Crestron authorized integrators such as Crestron dealers and / or Crestron service providers, retained directly by end‐user customers to provide a customized experience for these end‐user customers to meet their individual needs.  These authorized integrators may program end-user customer systems to collect or transmit data in a manner that may not be listed in this Privacy Statement, based on the arrangements made directly between the end‐user and his authorized integrator and / or service provider.  Crestron does not limit the ability of authorized integrators and / or service providers to program Crestron controlled systems to transmit additional information over the Internet or to collect additional data.

1.4.2   Note that in addition to collecting additional information through custom programming, Crestron and Crestron authorized integrators are also able to gather information from Monitored Residential Systems and Crestron Cloudware Products as described below.

2.   Definitions

2.1   Approximate Geographic Location” means a non-precise location, such as a location based on postal code, or an estimated location based on IP address.

2.2   “Cloud Computing Provider” means a third party entity that provides Internet accessible data centers and network infrastructure through which Crestron provides customers with access to Cloudware products, for example, Microsoft Azure®.

2.3   Conference Call Settings” means SIP address Conference ID, and access code.

2.4   Configuration Data” means connected devices, room names, device names, connected device settings, scene settings, and associations between commands, buttons, and trigger-events with device functions.

2.5   “Contact Information” means name, title, postal address, email address, phone number, and employee badge RFID serial number.

2.6   Connected Device Information” means IP/network address, MAC address, device name/model/serial number, and software/firmware version.

2.7   Device-Level Events Log” means a running log of keystrokes, commands received, detected environmental conditions, and data being transmitted and received by Crestron devices on their associated local area networks.

2.8   License Information” means applicable Crestron and third party cloudware/software licenses and subscription details.

2.9   “Meeting Scheduling Information” means meeting date, time, subject, location, call-in information, invitees, and attendees.

2.10   “Personal Preferences” means a person’s selected preferences, such as favorite TV channels.

2.11   System Status Information” means online status, reboot data, and software diagnostic events.

2.12   Third Party Authentication Information” means tokenized user ID, tokenized user email address, and tokenized user password.

3.   Data Collection by Crestron Mobile Apps

3.1   Crestron Mobile Apps may be preloaded on devices distributed by or on behalf of Crestron or may be downloaded and installed from a third‐party application distribution channel such as, the Apple iTunes App Store, Google Play Store, and the Microsoft Apps Store.  Crestron Mobile Apps include but are not limited to: (i) Crestron App, (ii) Crestron AirMedia and Crestron AirMedia for AM-100, (iii) Crestron Beacon Setup Pro, (iv) Crestron Device Assistant, (v) Crestron DMX-C, (vi) Crestron Go, (vii) Crestron Home, Crestron Home Beacon Setup, and Crestron Home Setup, (viii) Crestron Mobile, Crestron Mobile G, Crestron Mobile Pro, and Crestron Mobile Pro G, (ix) Crestron ONE, (x) Crestron PinPoint, (xi) Crestron Pyng, and (xii) Crestron Zūm.

3.2  These Crestron Mobile Apps may collect the following type of information which may include personal data: (a) registration information, which may contain personal data: IP address associated with the mobile device, and email address; (b) Connected Device Information for the device being configured via the Crestron Mobile App; (c) Configuration Data; and (d) diagnostics information, including crash data, performance data, and other diagnostic data related to the app.

3.3   Crestron Home and Crestron Pyng are Monitored Residential Systems as described in Section 4 below.  Upon account registration, data transmitted to Crestron through Crestron Home and Crestron Pyng systems will also be available to a Crestron dealer associated with the account.

3.4   Crestron PinPoint may also transmit the location of Crestron Pinpoint Mobile App user within a building utilizing Crestron Pinpoint beacons, when these features are activated.

3.5   Crestron Zūm app communicates with the Zūm Lighting Control System processors, including the ZUM-FLOOR-HUB and ZUM-HUB4, to transmit information as described in Section 7 below.

4.   Crestron Home and Crestron Pyng Monitored Residential Systems

4.1   Certain Crestron residential systems are controlled by the Crestron Pyng Hub, Crestron 3-Series, or Crestron 4-Series control processors that are running the Crestron Pyng or Crestron Home operating systems, including, but may not be limited to: CP3-R, CP4-R, DIN-AP4-R, MC4-R, MC4-R-I, and PYNG-HUB (“Monitored Residential System”).

4.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, a Monitored Residential System may automatically and periodically report the following information (as defined above) which may include personal data to Crestron: (a) Connected Device Information for the control processor and all devices connected to the Crestron processor; (b) Approximate Geographic Location; (c) System Status Information; (d) Device-Level Events Log; (e) Configuration Data that may also include images representing controlled residential spaces; and (f) Personal Preferences.

4.3   Each Monitored Residential System can be registered (or claimed) by or on behalf of an end-user using the myCrestron Residential Monitoring Service.  Once registered (or claimed), the Crestron dealer associated with each end-user can access the information, listed above, via an online dashboard that provides a comprehensive status update of the Monitored Residential System at a single glance.  This Crestron dealer also has access to a robust suite of analytics tools including SMS text alerts, email alerts, and customizable widgets that provide insight into how the Monitored Residential System is performing and being used.

4.4   Individual devices connected to the Monitored Residential System may include devices that are also designed to work with and directly connect to Crestron Cloudware and may transmit information that may include personal data as described in Section 7 below.

5.   myCrestron – Dynamic Domain Name Service

Remote access to an end-user Crestron system connected to the Internet may require the creation of a myCrestron account.  This myCrestron account furnishes a Crestron system with a consistent, friendly URL to enable constant remote access no matter how often an ISP changes your IP address.  Crestron and the Crestron dealer associated with your myCrestron account will have access to your email address and the URL associated with your system.  From that point forward, your email address may be used for communications from Crestron regarding your system and associated Crestron products and services.

6.   Data Collection by Crestron Cloudware Products

Crestron Cloudware products require a continuous connection to the Internet to function and when registered and connected to the Internet, continuously upload and download to Crestron’s cloud based storage, information from certain Crestron devices designed to work with and directly connect to Crestron Cloudware, as further described in Section 7 below.  Upon registration, data transmitted to Crestron through Crestron Cloudware products will also be available to a Crestron dealer associated with the Crestron Cloudware account.

6.1   Crestron Fusion Cloud

Crestron Fusion Cloud may collect the following information which may contain personal data: (a) Contact Information for account; (b) Connected Device Information for the Crestron control processor, all devices connected to the Crestron control processor, and third party devices that connect directly to Crestron Cloudware; (c) Approximate Geographic Location based on latitude/longitude or postal code; (d) License Information including applicable Crestron and third party cloudware/software licenses and subscription details; (e) Meeting Scheduling Information including, meeting date, time, subject, location, call-in information, invitees, and attendees; (f) Contact Information for meeting invitees / attendees; (g) System Status Information including online status, reboot data, and software diagnostic events; and (h) Device-Level Events Log including keystrokes, commands received, detected environmental conditions, and data being transmitted and received by Crestron devices on their associated local area networks.

6.2   Crestron Hosted Scheduling Cloudware

Crestron Hosted Scheduling Cloudware may collect the following information (as defined above) which may contain personal data: (a) Contact Information for account; (b) Connected Device Information; (c) Approximate Geographic Location; (d) License Information; (e) Meeting Scheduling Information; and (f) Contact Information for meeting invitees/attendees.

6.3   Crestron XiO Cloud

6.3.1   Crestron XiO Cloud may collect the following information (as defined above) which may contain personal data: (a) Contact Information for account; (b) Connected Device Information for the Crestron control processor, all devices connected to the Crestron control processor, all Crestron devices that connect directly to Crestron Cloudware, and third party devices that connect directly to Crestron Cloudware; (c) Approximate Geographic Location; (d) License Information; (e) System Status Information; (f) Device-Level Events Log including keystrokes, commands received, detected environmental conditions, number of people detected in a local area, and data being transmitted and received by Crestron devices on their associated local area networks; (g) Configuration Data including connected devices, room names, device names, and connected device settings; (h) Screen Scrape Images from connected devices having display screens during remote support sessions; and (i) Room Audio Parameters including settings for audio signal processing such as acoustic echo cancellation.

6.3.2   Individual Crestron devices that directly connect to Crestron Cloudware and which may collect information that may include personal data are further described in Section 7 below.

6.3.3   Note that Crestron DOES NOT have any access to conference call or room audio or video content from Connected Devices utilizing Crestron XiO Cloud.

7.   Data Collection by Crestron Devices

Certain Crestron devices, designed to work with and directly connect to Crestron Cloudware automatically, transmit certain information when installed and connected to the Internet and some of these devices can be enabled to transmit additional information.  Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, these devices may automatically and periodically report Connected Device Information (as defined above) to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware.  Some of these devices may also periodically upload analytics data to Crestron that may include MAC address, device name/model/serial number, software/firmware version, connected device settings, detected environmental conditions, online status, reboot data, and software diagnostic events.  Each of these Crestron devices can be registered (or claimed) by or on behalf of an end-user and associated with a Crestron Cloudware account.  Once registered (or claimed), these Crestron devices may periodically upload additional information to Crestron Cloudware as described below.  After registration, the data that is uploaded to Crestron from these devices will also be available to the Crestron dealer associated with the Crestron Cloudware account.

7.1   Control Processors

7.1.1   Crestron Control Processors that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited to:

   (i)   3-Series Control Processors, including but may not be limited to: AV3, CP3, CP3N, DIN‐AP3, DIN‐AP3MEX, PRO3, and RMC3;

   (ii)   4-Series Control Processors, including but may not be limited to: AV4, CP4, CP4N, DIN-AP4, MC4, MC4-I, PRO4, RMC4, VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-ROOM (virtual device), VC-4-SERVER-25, and ZUM-HUB4;

   (iii)   Media Presentation Controllers, including but may not be limited to: MPC3-101, MPC3-102, MPC3-201, and MPC3-302;

   (iv)   Touch Screen Control Systems, including but may not be limited to: FT-TSC600, and TSCW-730; and

   (v)   Smart Display Controllers, including but may not be limited to: HD‑CTL‑101.

7.1.2  Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Control Processors may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.1.3   Once registered (or claimed), as described above, the Crestron Control Processors may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data: (b) Connected Device Information for all devices connected to the Crestron control processor; (c) Approximate Geographic Location; (d) System Status Information; (e) Device-Level Events Log; and (f) Configuration Data.

7.2   Crestron Conferencing Systems

7.2.1  Crestron Conferencing Systems that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited to:

   (i)   Crestron Flex and Crestron Mercury Tabletop Conference Devices, sold as part of Crestron Flex Conference System kits (such as UC-M50, UC-M70, UC-MM30, UC-MMX30, UC-MX50, and UC-MX70 kits), including but may not be limited to: CCS-UC-1, CCS-UC-1-AV, CCS-UC-1-T, CCS-UC-1-T-V, CCS-UC-1-X, UC-2, UC-2-T-V, and UC-2-Z;

   (ii)   Flex Phones, including but may not be limited to: UC-P8-T, UC‑P8‑TD, UC-P10-T, UC‑P10‑TD, UC-P100-T, and UC-P110-T;

   (iii)   Crestron Unified Communication Engines, which are third party branded microcomputers sold with Crestron software preinstalled and preconfigured as part of Crestron Flex Conference System kits (such as UC-B30, UC-B31, UC-BX30, UC-BX31, UC-C100, UC-CX100, and certain UC-M50, UC-M70, UC-MM30, UC-MMX30, UC-MX50, and UC-MX70 kits), including but may not be limited to: UC-ENGINE, UC-ENGINE-D-T, UC-ENGINE-D-Z, UC-ENGINE-PRO-Z, UC-ENGINE-P-T, UC-ENGINE-P-Z, UC-ENGINE-S-T, UC-ENGINE-S-Z, UC-ENGINE-SD, and UC-ENGINE-SD-Z; 

   (iv)   All-In-One Bars, including but may not be limited to: UC-B70-A-T, and UC‑B70‑A‑Z; and

   (v)   Crestron Flex Hubs and Pods, including but may not be limited to: UC-AUDIO-HUB, and UC-AUDIO-POD.

7.2.2  Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Conferencing Systems may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.2.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the Crestron Conferencing Systems may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data: (b) Connected Device Information for all devices connected to the conference system; (c) Approximate Geographic Location; (d) License Information; (e) System Status Information; (f) Device-Level Events Log including keystrokes, commands received, detected environmental conditions, number of people detected in a local area; (g) Configuration Data; (h) Conference Call Settings; (i) Third Party Authentication Information; and (j) screen scrape images during remote support sessions.

7.2.4   Note that Crestron DOES NOT have any access to either conference call audio or room audio from Crestron Conferencing Systems.

7.3   Crestron Touch Screens

7.3.1  Crestron Touch Screens that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited to:

   (i)   Room Scheduling Touch Screens, including but may not be limited to: TSS-7, TSS-10, TSS-770, and TSS-1070;

   (ii)   Desk Scheduling Touch Screens, including but may not be limited to: TSS-470E;

   (iii)   Tabletop and Wall Mount Touch Screens, including but may not be limited to: FT-TS600, TS-770, TS-1070, TS-1542, TSW‐560, TSW-570, TSW‐760, TSW-770, TSW‐1060, and TSW-1070; and

   (iv)   Wireless Touch Screens, including but may not be limited to: TST-1080.

7.3.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Touch Screens may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.3.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the Crestron Touch Screens may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data: (b) Approximate Geographic Location; (c) System Status Information; (d) Device-Level Events; (e) Configuration Data; (f) Third Party Authentication Information; and (g) Screen Scrape Images during remote support sessions.

7.3.4   When speech recognition features on these devices are activated, raw voice data and translated text files are transmitted to Google, and the processing thereof is subject to the “Google APIs Terms of Service” and the “Google Privacy Policy”, located at:, and

7.4   AirMedia Wireless Presentation and Conferencing Receivers

7.4.1   AirMedia Wireless Presentation and Conferencing Receivers that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited to: AM-200, AM-300, AM‑3000, AM-3100, AM-3200, and AM-TX3-100.

7.4.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the AirMedia Wireless Presentation and Conferencing Receivers may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.4.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the AirMedia Wireless Presentation and Conferencing Receivers may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data to Crestron: (b) System Status Information; (c) Device-Level Events Log; and (d) Configuration Data.

7.5   Crestron Audio Equipment

7.5.1  Crestron Audio Equipment that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited to:

   (i)   Audio Amplifiers, including but may not be limited to: AMP-2800, AMP-4600, AMP-8075, AMPI-8075, AMP-8150, AMPI-8150, and DM-NAX-AMP-X300;

   (ii)   Audio Digital Signal Processors, including but may not be limited to: DSP-860, DSP-1280, DSP-1281, DSP-1282, and DSP-1283;

   (iii)   Multiroom Audio Accessories, including but may not be limited to: DM-NAX-2XLRI-1G, DM-NAX-AUD-IO, DM-NAX-AUD-USB, DM-NAX-BTIO-1G, and DM-NAX-XSP; and

   (iv)   Audio Speakers, including but may not be limited to: SAROS DM-NAX-IC4A, and SAROS IC4P.

7.5.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Audio Equipment may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.5.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the Crestron Audio Equipment may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data to Crestron: (b) System Status Information; (c) Device-Level Events Log; (d) Configuration Data; and (e) License Information.

7.6   Crestron Accessory Devices

7.6.1   Crestron Accessory Devices that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include, but may not be limited to:

   (i)   Crestron Power Conditioners, including but may not be limited to: PC-350V-12, and PC-350V-18;

   (ii)   USB Switchers, including but may not be limited to: USB-SW-200, and USB-SW-400; and

   (iii)   Desk Scheduling Status Indicators, including but may not be limited to: DSS-100.

7.6.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Accessory Devices may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.6.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the Crestron Accessory Devices may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data to Crestron: (b) System Status Information; (c) Device-Level Events Log; and (d) Configuration Data.

7.7   Crestron Sensors

7.7.1   Crestron Sensors that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited:  CEN-ODT-C-POE.

7.7.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Sensors may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.7.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the Crestron Sensors may upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data to Crestron: (b) System Status Information; (c) Device-Level Events Log; and (d) Configuration Data.

7.8   Crestron Video Equipment

7.8.1   Crestron Video Equipment that automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron include but may not be limited:

   (i)   Digital Graphics Engines, including but may not be limited to: DGE-100, DGE-1000, and DM-DGE-200-C;

   (ii)   DM NVX Switchers and Encoder/Decoders, including but may not be limited to: DM-NVX-350, DM-NVX-350C, DM-NVX-351, DM-NVX-351C, DM-NVX-352, DM-NVX-352C, DM-NVX-360, DM-NVX-360C, DM-NVX-363, DM-NVX-363C, DM-NVX-D10, DM-NVX-D20, DM-NVX-D30, DM-NVX-D30C, DM-NVX-D200, DM-NVX-D80-IOAV, DM-NVX-E10, DM-NVX-E20, DM-NVX-E30, DM-NVX-E30C, DM-NVX-E760, DM-NVX-E760C, DM-NVX-SW-C310 (virtual device), and DM-NVX-SW-G310 (virtual device) ;

   (iii)   DigitalMedia Presentation Systems, including but may not be limited to: DMPS3-4K-50, DMPS3-4K-100-C, DMPS3-4K-150-C, DMPS3-4K-200-C, DMPS3-4K-250-C, DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA, DMPS3-4K-300-C, DMPS3-4K-350-C, DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA, DMPS3-200-C, DMPS3-300-C, and DMPS3-300-C-AEC;

   (iv)   DigitalMedia Switchers, including but may not be limited to: DM-MD8X8-CPU3, DM-MD8X8-CPU3-RPS, DM-MD16X16-CPU3, DM-MD16X16-CPU3-RPS, DM-MD32X32-CPU3, and DM-MD32X32-CPU3-RPS;

   (v)   HDMI® Extenders, including but may not be limited to: HD-RX-4K-210-C-E, HD-RX-4K-210-C-E-POE, HD-RX-4K-410-C-E, HD-RX-4K-410-C-E-SW4, HD-RX-4K-510-C-E, HD-RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4, HD-RXU-4KZ-202, and HD-TXU-4KZ-211;

   (vi)   HDMI® Switchers, including but may not be limited to: HD‑MD2X1‑8K, HD-MD4X1-4KZ-E, HD-MD4X2-4KZ-E, HD-MD4X4-4KZ-E, HD-MD8X4-4KZ-E, and HD-MD8X8-4KZ-E; and

   (vii)   HDR Presentation Systems, including but may not be limited to: HD-PS401, HD-PS402, HD-PS621, and HD-PS622.

7.8.2   Once connected to the Internet, via an Internet service provider, the Crestron Video Equipment may automatically attempt to establish Internet communication with Crestron Cloudware as discussed above by automatically and periodically reporting (a) Connected Device Information.

7.8.3   Once registered (or claimed) as described above, the Crestron Video Equipment may periodically upload the following additional information (as defined above) which may include personal data to Crestron: (b) System Status Information; (c) Device-Level Events Log; and (d) Configuration Data.

8.   Data Collected by Third Party Service Providers

8.1   Third Party Add‐On Content Provided by Crestron

Crestron may make available to its end‐users, certain third party add‐on features or content that can provide an enhanced experience, including but not limited to, Internet weather and Internet radio.  Use of these features or content may provide end‐user information, such as Approximate Geographic Location or IP address to these third party providers.

8.2   Data Collected by Third Parties that Require a Separate End‐User Account

8.2.1   The use of certain third party services, including apps, software, servers, and communication networks, for example, Amazon Alexa, AppSpace, EMS, Gingco, Google Calendar, Google Voice, Kaptivo, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, New Wave, NFS-Rendezvous, Office 365, Robin Powered, SharingCloud, SiriusXM, Skype for Business, Sonos Controller, Space Connect, SpaceIQ, Spotify, Tango Reserve, Teem, Yale Access, or Zoom Rooms, on or in association with a Crestron device, requires the end‐user to have an active account with that third party.  In order to allow the use of such third party apps by a Crestron device or service, Crestron collects and stores the end‐user profile and/or account information, which is required for third party authentication, and transmits that information to the third party.  (See definition above for Third Party Authentication Information).

8.2.2   Third party apps may also collect and use personal data about end‐users and their use of these apps, subject to their own privacy policies, which are not under the control of Crestron.  In addition, third party apps and software may be associated with certain third party devices that may collect additional information, such as for example, user handwriting and video.

9.   Purposes for Which Crestron Processes Your Personal Data

9.1   Crestron will process the personal data collected by its products and services in order to: (a) provide services; (b) improve system functionality and performance; (c) gather troubleshooting and configuration backup information for Connected Devices, including Crestron and third party products; and (d) as otherwise set forth in our General Privacy Policy.  Crestron will also process this personal data to assess system efficiency and to offer improvements and personalized options in order to enhance the end‐user experience, including the provision of certain system functionality, such as weather reporting, and local TV station listings.

9.2   Crestron employees, contractors, service providers and affiliates, have supervised access to your personal data as required to provide services, troubleshoot your system, and monitor our servers for technical problems.

9.3   Crestron may use or disclose aggregated and/or anonymous data for a variety of purposes, including marketing, analytics, and improvement of Crestron products and services, by removing any attributes that may link or associate the data with you.  Crestron is committed to maintain such data in the aggregated and/or anonymous form and not to attempt to reidentify the data.

9.4   Except as described herein, we will only provide your personal data collected by Crestron to a third party, other than your authorized integrator, to the extent authorized by applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations; if required to do so by law; or in the good‐faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with laws or respond to a court order, subpoena, or search warrant.

10.   How Long Crestron Will Store Your Information?

10.1   Crestron will store the information collected by Crestron Mobile Apps, Monitored Residential Systems, Cloudware Products, and Crestron Devices until Crestron deletes or edits it in response to your request or for as long as you remain a customer of the associated Crestron products and services.  Because of the way Crestron maintains its server data, after your information is deleted, back-up copies may linger for some time before they are deleted.

10.2   In addition, Crestron may store your information as long as is required to resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws.

11.   Your Rights as Data Subject

11.1   Please consult our General Privacy Policy to understand your rights and how you can exercise them.

11.2   If our processing of your personal data is based upon consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time.  Please however know that opting out of data processing will prevent Cloudware and certain Crestron Mobile Apps from functioning and may limit the available features and support for other Crestron devices and mobile apps.

12.   Contact Crestron

If you have any questions or concerns regarding a Crestron product or this Privacy Statement or wish to opt out of data collection or delete your data, please contact Crestron at any of the following.

Via e-mail:

Via post:

The Americas:
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Dr.
Rockleigh, NJ 07647 USA

Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA):
Crestron Europe BV
Stephensonstraat 20 bus 0001
2800 Mechelen, Belgium
VAT No. BE0699.717.121

Australia and New Zealand:
Crestron ANZ Pty. Ltd.
Level 5, 15 Help Street,
Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia

Crestron Singapore Pte. Ltd.
30 Cecil Street
#21-05, Prudential Tower
Singapore 049712

Via phone:

US:  800.237.2041

Please visit to find the phone number for Crestron support in your region.

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